Commercial Property Financing is a credit facility granted to the debtor for commercial property financing with a term that is given a maximum of 10 years. Commercial property here is the land used by the debtor to conduct its business as kiosks, warehouses, shops, factories, and offices.
Knight Frank and Citi Private Banking estimate the total demand of the super-rich world on commercial property will continue to grow with an estimated number of transactions the world will reach U.S. $ 74.1 billion in 2012, up 5%. Such written statement received by Knight Frank, yesterday (04/04/2012).
Further, the report says this year's estimated demand super luxury property purchased by the richest people would be soaring. Factor U.S. and European crisis does not give effect to the interest of the wealthiest people invest their money in luxury properties.
According to Knight Frank, despite the recession across Europe, but some important locations luxury properties in Europe still in high demand. Many factors affect the rich world are still buying luxury properties, including lifestyle and investment motives are the main reason for them.
Average homes purchased was a second home. The survey said 16% of the rich people surveyed have second homes and 40% of them have second homes in the seaside location of them in the UK and U.S..
"Investing in a luxury property to the main portion of the assets of the investment portfolio in 2011 showed an increase of the global allocation to real estate investments by 19%," said Knight.
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